Friday, January 20, 2012

Waving the White Flag

Today I am thankful for: beautiful sunshine, snuggling with Josh for a few minutes before climbing out of bed this morning, my kiddo's precious sleepy faces when they wake up, being early (gasp!) to speech, a smooth day with Green Mamas, beautiful fresh produce for my family, napping on the couch with Moo cuddled next to me, figuring out my new reflector stand (woot!!), my dad's hospital care, anticipating the coming rain.

This verse slapped me in the face tonight as I read: "It is honorable for a man to stop striving, since any fool can start a quarrel." (Proverbs 20:3)  I've read that verse many times, but tonight it hit me in a different way.  I understand that it is saying it is better to give grace, to let go of a wrong and forgive or to simply choose to stop arguing for anyone can find a reason to perpetuate an argument; when we are focused on ourselves we tend to see things one way (OUR way) and it's easy to keep defending our views, justifying our actions, proclaiming our wisdom in a matter as better than someone else's.  It's a lot harder to back down because it requires laying aside our pride and "letting someone else win"--we just want to keep digging at them so we can come out on top!

Tonight as I read I saw a different view. Tonight I didn't read this as one who argues with another person, but as one who is arguing with myself.  I get so good at arguing in my head that I don't even know what side I'm on any more!  More often than not, when I take a giant step back I see that I am typically arguing selfishly with myself against truth in a matter; I'm trying to justify why I feel a certain way or choose to do a certain thing when I know in  my heart there's a better way, a harder--but more correct--solution.  It means dying to myself and doing what God wants me to do, not just what I want to do.  All of that internal conflict stirs up the same emotions and stress that a disagreement with another person causes; I feel anxious, confused, grumpy, and tend to take it out on some innocent bystander!

Tonight I am CHOOSING to see truth, to lay down my pride in my personal issues and submit to His will.  Any fool can continue the argument, come up with one more reason to justify the conflict and claim his perceived victory.  Only a wise person can step back and let go of it all.  Only then can the strife cease.  They say it takes two to tango--it also takes two to argue.  And when I'm in my head arguing with myself, I need to remember that I'm usually arguing against my God.  Who has the more proven track record, here, of faithfulness and being correct?  The one who chose to sin, or the One who chose the one who sinned?

Abba Father, I give up!  I'm letting go so that I can fall into Your arms!  Any strife I feel within myself is purely selfish and in vain--I have nothing to gain by continuing the fight, by pretending I know better than You!  You are the author of the world; I have no claim to even the words I'm writing now for You created them and Your Spirit breathed life into me and has put this on my heart.  So help me to take a giant step back from myself when I begin to stir up trouble, when I begin to argue over personal choices or actions.  Help me to choose NOT to argue, but instead to pray and seek Your guidance and will, and help me to WAIT for Your answer.  As I've experienced so graciously before, You give peace and comfort--who am I to block them with my wall of defense?  Thank You for your mercy, for Your grace, and for Your endless patience with me.  Please forgive me for being selfish and childish!  Correct me in my errors and show me Your way.  Thank You, Jesus!

P.S.  I also read these verses in Hosea tonight, and I have nothing to say about them, but they are beautiful and make me sigh with contentment: "I will betroth you to Me forever; Yes, I will betroth you to Me in righteousness and justice, in lovingkindness and mercy; I will betroth you to Me in faithfulness, and you shall know the Lord."  Hosea 2:19-20  ...*sigh*...

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

How I Know He Hears

Today I am thankful for: snuggle time alone with Dman this morning while everyone else slept, the electric throw on the couch, clean floors and carpets (woot!), Darrin's meltdown as we left Walmart (ok, so I'm more thankful that I was peaceful the whole tirade and actually able to laugh a bit when he wasn't looking), my crazy little girl running and hollering through the house, 5 loads of laundry done, the kids eating well all day today, Madi's enthusiastic greeting for Daddy when he arrived home from work, listening to Darrin explain to Josh how to play a game on the DS (a game that Josh taught Darrin how to play a while back, lol), bedtime prayers, a quiet night.

I've been praying an awful lot lately.  Part of it is that I'm really trying to tune into God and make praying like breathing; the other part is that there's just a lot to pray about!  I've mainly been praying for my dad as he continues to go through the stages of congestive heart failure and kidney failure that are alarming.  I've been praying for my mom and siblings as they care for him.  I've been praying for myself as I sort out my emotions and know that prayer is the only way I can help.  I've been praying for family, friends, acquaintances, and people I don't even know.  It's not too hard to dig up the hard times and sad events, but I also am mindful of simply praising my God throughout the day for all the little things, all the joy that I know expressly because of His grace and mercy.

So tonight as I read Daniel I was truly comforted and encouraged by the response to Daniel's prayers.  Daniel was faithful in coming before the Lord three times a day to pray and petition Him.  He prayed for his people knowing that they fully deserved the punishment they were due yet asking God to stay His hand. He truly humbled himself before the Lord and loved Him with all his heart and might.  And in the midst of a vision Daniel received from the Lord he spoke with an angel (maybe Gabriel) who said these amazing words, "Then he said to me, 'Do not fear, Daniel, for from the first day that you set your heart to understand, and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard; and I have come because of your words.'" (Daniel 10:12)  The angel said to Daniel that because he submitted himself humbly to the Lord the Lord heard his prayers.  He hears us!  I have never doubted that, though some do, but I know He hears those who are humble of heart and seeking His will.

Another verse that astounded me was earlier in chapter 9 where Daniel had been praying for himself and the people of Israel, and Gabriel appeared before him to give him "understanding" regarding what we call the "seventy weeks" prophecy.  Telling Daniel that he had come to bring understanding, Gabriel said, "At the beginning of your supplications the command went out, and I have come to tell you, for you are greatly beloved..." (Daniel 9:23)  That's just incredible to me!  At the beginning of my prayers God begins to move!  He hears me and loves me, and even though I may not see or hear immediately, that doesn't mean God isn't listening or moving on my behalf.

I can't tell you how encouraged I am in my prayer life right now.  Things don't always go the way I want them to, and sometimes the peace I feel is from knowing God is in control and sovereign, not that things are going to turn out the way I expect.  I felt this almost exactly one year ago as my first cousin was deathly ill in a hospital; I had cried, prayed, and begged God to spare her, then was flooded with peace.  The next morning I found she had passed away and I was so confused--why did I go to bed with such peace the night before if this was His will that she die leaving 2 young daughters?  I cannot explain His will and won't try, but knowing that I stand in awe of His glory and sovereignty I expect no less than to have perfect peace no matter what the circumstance or outcome if peace is what I ask of Him.

So tonight Gabriel's words bring me hope and joy--I know that my prayers are not in vain!  God hears them!  He may not "stay His hand" or give in to my begging, but He hears me and brings me comfort.  I pray that I might always be humbled before Him and able to stand in awe of His glory, lifting His name in praise even when most would curse Him.  For now I will continue to lift my petitions high before Him, seeking His will in ALL things, and asking for peace and comfort to help me praise His ways even when I don't understand them.

Father, You know my heart. I've come before You in joy and sorrow, with laughter and tears.  Much of the time I've been silent in Your presence letting my heart speak what my mouth cannot.  I am so thankful that I can come before You all day in all things!  Thank you that my lips speak Your praise even when I want to cry in selfish pity.  I thank You, Daddy, that I can be honest before You, completely transparent and open to Your Spirit as You read my heart and know my mind.  You succeed where my words fail, and I pray that my words might be few before You so that I don't dishonor You or lift up my own heart before You.  Thank you for the peace that You give, a peace that floods my heart and fills my soul when I need it the most.  Father, I pray that you'd help me to be silent, listening for Your voice, Your answer.  I know You speak to us just as surely as I know You hear us!  Help me to quiet my soul and wait for You so that my ways might be on Your path, bringing You glory in all that I do.  Thank You for Gabriel's words to Daniel, Your words to me tonight.  You, alone, are worthy of praise!  You are great and mighty, Lord Jesus!  Help me to draw close to You, Father, closer everyday, prayer by prayer.  In Jesus' mighty name I pray, Amen!

Monday, January 16, 2012


Today I am thankful for:  beautiful weather (cool, post-rain sun!), letting Kary get me out of the house for lunch and errands (so much more fun with a friend!), a yummy dinner of homemade french onion soup, watching Josh pass on his love of Star Wars to Darrin, hearing Madi's say "Toodie-too" for R2D2, my Bible, my iPhone, my renewed passion for photography, friends.

I'm in the book of Daniel.  I love this book!  Can't say I understand a lot of it without significant help from the Holy Spirit and great commentaries, but I love it!  Tonight I was left in awe of the behaviors of Daniel and his friends Hananiah (Shadrach), Mishael (Meshach), and Azariah (Abed-Nego).  What faith they displayed in the face of incredible temptation and adversity!  It's so incredible to see how God uses a time of trial for such good, to see how he cares for those who love Him.  He doesn't promise to keep us safe from physical harm, but we know that in the end He will be glorified if we lean on His promises and allow our fear to be set aside.

Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego refused to worship the king's idol and were subject to death in a fiery furnace.  I love their reaction to Nebuchadnezzar when he asked about their refusal to bow to the idol.  In Daniel 3:16-18 they say, "...O Nebuchadnezzar, we have no need to answer you in this matter.  If that is the case [that they are thrown into the fire], our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and He will deliver us from your hand, O king; but if not, let it be known to you, O king, that we do not serve your gods, nor will we worship the gold image which you have set up."  Wow!  Talk about faith and courage!  It's courage that comes not from self or pride, but from knowing that God's will is best.  If He saved them, great!  If not, great!  Either way they refused to bend.

I pray that I might have a little of that faith and courage in my own times of trial.  If ever forced to choose between my God and something else, I know that my God is greater and stronger and better and I pray that I'd have to courage to stand firm in my conviction.  The trouble is that we aren't always faced with a fiery furnace.  Sometimes it's a little something like popularity or friendship or ridicule--things that aren't at all life-threatening and yet we have difficulty standing firm.  Peter denied Christ three times in one night--who am I to think that I might not do the same?  So I pray that as I continue to read my Bible and grow, that faith and conviction would grow stronger and more immobile minute by minute.

Father God, I thank You for the examples of the men and women of the Old and New Testaments who showed us what faith means.  I thank You for allowing their contributions and trials to be recorded so that we might learn from them!  Not all were righteous, and none were perfect, but Your love for them is and it blows me away that You are the same God and have the same love for me.  The same God that made promises to Moses and Abraham is the same God that listens to my prayers today!  You are amazing and faithful, and I pray that You would strengthen my faith and my boldness to stand for You as the only Truth there is.  When my heart breaks, let it be for the hearts of those who are lost and not for the comfort I might have lost by sharing Your love and gospel.  I thank You that I can serve You, that I can teach about You!  I pray You'd use me to Your glory and help me to remember daily that it is only by Your grace that I can say that!  I praise You, Lord!  In Your precious name, Amen!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

A Lesson in Obligation...

Today I am thankful for:  rain!, going to church as a family, no sickies, teaching 2nd grade Sunday school, hearing David Kim speak, my nap!, my children's laughter as Daddy chases them around, my son asking to watch Star Wars (Daddy was so happy!), snuggling my sleepy babies at bedtime and hearing their prayers, garlic knots from Porky's, the amazingly fresh scent outside tonight in the rain and cool air, cuddling with my honey.

So I haven't blogged in a couple of days.  As a family we were so busy doing things around the house that I just was so worn out at night and didn't blog.  Even tonight I'm not really adding anything from my reading, but I am adding something from my heart.  I'm a perfectionist and I really am learning to let go of that--it's a goal I can never reach as perfection only exists in the One who created it.  By nature, I have a hard time doing anything if I know I can't do it just so...adds a whole lot of unneeded stress in my life!  Thank You, Lord, for showing me that truth!  When I set out to take up the challenge of being in the Word daily and journaling, it was the kickstart I needed at the time; it have me a goal to do more and be more in my faith.  I had been finding excuses not to read or justifying why I didn't get around to it.  The transformation within me was amazing!  I began to grow in leaps and bounds in my own knowledge and understanding as the Holy Spirit guided me and drew me closer to my God.  It became a slight obsession (in the best way) to have my quiet time with my Bible and my journal each day.  The words just spoke to me in new ways and spilled over into my daily living, and the thoughts simply bombarded me and encouraged me as I wrote.  It was a beautiful thing.

Over time, I found that I wasn't having to try so hard and be so formal about my quiet time; it had simply morphed into part of my day.  It became part of who I am and I found I couldn't get through the day without it.  That's the point, right?  And as much as I meditate on the scriptures I read throughout the day and spend time in prayer, the journaling became a bit more forced.  Writer's block, anyone?  And that really bugged me because it was just my conversation with God, not something I was writing for anyone else.  And then it happened--I forgot to read and journal one day!!  Any surprise that it was Christmas Eve when that happened?  My first thought Christmas morning was, oh my goodness!  I forgot!  And you know what?  I got over it!

I don't think it was simply my "mistake" that I skipped a day of reading and writing.  I think God used it to show me my time with Him is to be relational, not obligatory.  I had been counting the number of consecutive days of reading my Bible and journaling as a way of cheering myself on in my growth; I didn't realize it could take away from my true focus being on Him alone.  I think I had made it about me, in some way!  So instead of giving up I just resumed my reading and journaling and realized it was no big deal.  God still loved me!

As I continued reading daily (my most important part of quiet time along with prayer) I found my blogging (moved on from my written journal) to be a strain at times.  I love to write, and once I surrender to an idea or thought it's hard to stop--and now that I'm typing I'm writing more and more, of course.  But catching hold of that idea or thought was becoming elusive.  I want to be completely open to the Spirit's leading and guidance and I feel that my words should really be a time of reflection for me, not contrived for an audience; if they impact and bless someone else, great!  But that shouldn't be my goal.  So I consciously skipped a couple of days to revel in time with the Lord without being on-guard for what to write about.  I also feel like He may be changing my approach to writing.  Since I'm no longer journaling, it may not always be my thoughts about the scriptures that I consider, but I think I'm to be sharing a bit more of myself and how God is working on me and using me.  I don't know.  Still praying about it!

This has been an awesome lesson for me.  I don't want my time with God to be obligatory so that I can tally more days on my personal chart--go me!  I want it to be about how He is going to speak to me and teach me and HUMBLE me with His presence.  I want to grow and change continually in a way that is sweet and personal and makes me more like Jesus.  Father God, thank You for challenging me and helping me to grow! I pray for simplicity in my actions and words so that I do not cloud my own experience before You.  Help me to let go of myself so that I can have more of You.  I am so grateful for the ways I've already changed and for the encouragement You bring me every day.  Help me to continue to seek YOU--not a routine, not an award, not some self-righteous dance--You alone!  Your presence, Your spirit, Your comfort and healing.  I am Yours!  Teach me how to draw near to You and further from my own pride.  I praise You for the way You made me, my own intricacies and hang-ups, my faults, my strengths.  Your formula for me was perfect, even though I am not!  Help me to embrace the joy of my own creation by celebrating You and Your perfection, for in Your perfection my weaknesses are made strong.  I can do anything as long as I obey You and walk in Your ways!  Help me to see the path You've set before me and to strive to fulfill the roles You've called me to.  I love You and praise You!  In Jesus' name, Amen!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

On Being Too Nice...

Today I am thankful for:  lovely weather, a nice day with my kiddos, lunch at Rubio's, a quiet shopping trip to Sprouts, making it to dance early, having Josh home for dinner, coconut-pecan cookies (from Sprouts--definitely going to have to make my own!), a new pasta recipe for dinner, quiet time after dinner to read and pray.

I'm working on my people-skills.  I'm probably nice to a fault, ready to make friends with anyone and believe the best about them; someone once said regarding a mutual co-worker, "Alicia doesn't even like her and that means something!"  So what people skills do I need to work on?  Well, I'm an introvert in nature.  I hate making small-talk and I am very uncomfortable in large group situations, even when I know the guests.  I can put on a happy face, smile and laugh, engage in conversation and end up having a really good time...or not; either way, I end up both exhilerated and exhausted.  There's got to be a reason I'm so easily intimidated and shy.  Can't think of a good one, yet, but I'm sure it's there!  In any case, I am working on being more open and available to friends.  I'd really love nothing more than to hide at home all the time, yet there's a big part of me that yearns to be around others.  It's really an odd thing.

In reading Proverbs 12 tonight I came across a verse that made me pause and reflect.  Proverbs 12:18 "There is one who speaks like the piercings of a sword, but the tongue of the wise will promote health."  I think I'm afraid of those piercing tongues (not to be confused with tongue-piercings, lol!).  This isn't to say that I never fall into the description of the former, or that I even consider myself "wise" like the latter.  Something in my nature is afraid of confrontation of any kind; I sort of freeze and don't know what to do when I'm personally being confronted, whether justly or not.  I flush beet red and feel the heat radiating from my cheeks; I shake and tremble and go numb in my brain.  I simply do not know what to say.  The same thing happens when I'm the offended party and need to stand up.  I'm a wimp.  It could be something simple like being overcharged for something minor on a restaurant bill; I hate pointing out others' mistakes!

This is where I really feel convicted by this verse.  I know I should always watch what I say, even what I think, about others.  That's easy; obviously, I'd much rather think nice thoughts and use kind words, though I need to make sure I'm being honest in how I interact with others.  I also know that when I do need to stand up for something, I pour on the sweetness and try to be as gentle as possible--I never want anyone to know that I'm angry, and there's never really any excuse for yelling at or belittling someone even when their treatment of you is less than stellar.  The truth for me is in "promoting health" with my words; I need to realize that sometimes I have to step up and speak up rather than allow a wrong to continue.  There are times I need to say something, to highlight a mistake or wrong-doing on someone else's part for everyone's benefit.  I tend to let things fester inside me when I could cut it out and heal by saying something.

What's even more convicting and more difficult for me is stepping up and speaking up on someone else's behalf.  There have been experiments conducted where people behave very badly in common areas to test public reaction.  I read those and immediately know what should be done; but would I do it?  I think of the parable of the good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37) and I wonder what I would have done.  I would have had no trouble aiding that poor man as the Samaritan did, but what would I have done if I had come upon him as the thieves were beating him?  I'm sure if I came upon something similar in today's world I'd call the authorities--easier than in the 1st century.  But there are times where taking a stand is a more nebulous affair; maybe the offending parties aren't necessarily breaking the law or causing physical harm.  It could be a disagreement between friends or family, a complete stranger behaving rude towards someone or being careless.  Do I have the strength and courage to promote health in that situation?  To speak up in encouragement of another and to rebuke one who is being hurtful?  See, when I read this verse I know that I need to guard my own tongue, but there are times when promoting health means being bold and saying something--raising a shield to those piercing tongues!

Father, I really need Your help!  It means nothing at all to have the wisdom to bring change, to bring resolution, if I do not act in love.  Help me to trust You more, to have a deeper faith that replaces the fear I experience in certain situations.  As You show me how to love, help me to be bolder, to be stronger for the sake of others around me!  Lord Jesus I pray that You teach me how to speak in a way that promotes health to others and myself--I really need to learn to see others through Your eyes so that I can be effective as a friend and ally.  I pray that I might see my own weaknesses and confess the sins of selfishness that are keeping my light from glowing as bright as You want it to.  Help me to grow, help me to love, and help me to shine!  In Jesus' sweet name, Amen!  

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The Heart of the Matter

Today I am thankful for:  a good night's sleep, cuddling in bed as a family this morning, getting through my first kettlebell workout, naps for Moo and me, working on a puzzle with Darrin, my dad being released from the hospital.

Ezekiel 36:26-27 "I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; I will take the heart of stone out of your flesh and give you a heart of flesh.  I will put My Spirit within you and cause you to walk in My statutes, and you will keep My judgments and do them."  Today I am so glad that God has promised to help me walk in His ways.  There are days where it's just so hard to maintain the 24/7 commitment I made to Him--I'm tired, I want to justify the little things so they don't seem like big, bad things; other things and people seem to need my attention more than God does.  Really?  I guess that's the good thing about God helping me out--when I have one of my "moments" I stop and think to myself that God doesn't "need" my attention, He wants it!  He lovingly demands it!  When I'm able to set myself aside and spend some time in His presence, all other things are made right; circumstances might not change much, but my Lord helps me to see them with the eyes of my new heart.  When I've spent time in His Word and in prayer, the flurry of activity doesn't seem like such a flurry anymore.  I can think, I can respond, and I can get over myself.  God knows I can't do this alone, and He never promised that I'd have to.

The first verse above (Ezekiel 36:26) is cool because He said He'd remove our hearts of stone and give us hearts of flesh.  Our hearts of stone were immune to Him, refusing to see life His way and unable to praise Him.  A heart of flesh can feel, hurt, bleed; it cannot survive on it's own for it is in constant need of oxygen and clear pathways.  We are so prone to screwing things up, to being selfish, and that just leads to problems! But God said He'd help us.  If He helps us walk in His ways, then He will help us keep our hearts in good working order, too.  And whaddya know?  If we walk in His ways then our hearts will stay clean!

My heart aches tonight for those still walking around with hearts of stone.  The saddest part is that they don't even know it!  I'm always amazed at the anger these stony hearts are bearing; when confronted with a heart of flesh they lash out and have to do their best to tear it apart.  Very few people with stony cores can just say, "Keep on keeping on, Christian; I disagree, but we all do what we feel is right."  Many of them have to mock, scorn, and rip apart the sinews of that fleshy heart...but to what purpose?  Seems to me that while a broken heart of flesh can be healed, a broken heart of stone is forever cracked and splintered.  Unfortunately, those stony hearts out in the world are probably used to coming up against the stony hearts that are in the church; what a sad, sad situation.  Wherever they reside, all these stony hearts need to be transplanted and renewed by the Great Physician, Himself.  If I truly walk in His ways with His help, then my heart will continually be renewed and maybe that will allow me to reach out to someone with a stony core and provide love and refreshment rather than pain; and just maybe that person will one day yearn for a new heart, too.

Thank You, Daddy, for helping me to do the things You've called me to do.  Thank You for helping me and for always being beside me.  I am overjoyed that I am never alone!  Help me to do these things for Your sake, not my own.  I pray that others might see You when they see me, and that they would be encouraged and know that You are searching for them, calling to them, wanting to love them and bless them.  Help me to stand firm and not wilt in the face of hostility; though I cannot and will not argue with one who wishes to defame You and mock us both, help me to keep heart and rest on the assurance of my faith in You so that I can show love.  Put me places and situations where I can be of use to You, and help me to always know that You are with me and guiding me.  I praise You for You are holy and just, and You love us though we are so broken and worthless!  Glory, to You, Lord!  Praise and honor are Yours alone!  In Jesus' name, Amen!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Haves & Have-nots

Today I am thankful for: Darrin sleeping in, no more fevers!, getting the kids' Christmas stuff put away, clean laundry, Madi's nap, walking through Costco as a family, talking to my mom for a while, the way I'm able to instantly relax when my hubby hugs me, sitting here typing late with Moo at my feet because of that long nap she took--love this precious time alone with her & whispering like girls up too late at a slumber party!

I don't have much too say tonight, which is probably a good thing and a result of the Holy Spirit!  :o) (Proverbs 10:19 "In the multitude of words sin is not lacking, but he who restrains his lips is wise.")  As I was reading I came to Proverbs 10:15 and had to pause for a bit; and I realized that I have to do that every time I read this verse!  It goes, "The rich man's wealth is his strong city; the destruction of the poor is their poverty."  So I immediately think, yes, of course the rich man is safe because he can fortify his city, strengthen its walls.  So why are the poor destroyed?  Are they not protected by the rich man's walls?  And if he's so rich, why is he not caring for the poor?  Here creeps in that sense of injustice, that confusion at the ways of the Lord to bless someone who does not care for the needy.  Again, I stop and consider another angle; so the man is blessed.  Who's to say he's evil?  Maybe the poor are evil in their ways?  But this doesn't really follow the themes presented in Proverbs.

After some more studying (and help from my commentary) things seem a bit more understandable.  My commentary for this verse reads, "The poor do not have much defense against the unexpected."  Okay, so that makes more sense.  It doesn't matter if the rich guy loves God or not; the simple circumstance of being poor means that one has no protection against life's intrusions; I get that.  Yet, still, when I read this tonight and checked the commentary, I wasn't entirely satisfied.  It does go on to explain that when the rich man's confidence is in himself and his wealth he will ultimately find that he, as well, is without defense for wealth can be fleeting.  But it still wasn't clicking with me.

After a little more thought, I think I got it!  I don't know if this is what was meant, but it flashed into my mind so quickly and I thought, duh!  "...The destruction of the poor is their poverty," their poverty brings destruction...the worst kind of poverty is spiritual poverty, especially when you don't know that you are spiritually poor!  That's it!  We are poor without Jesus!  When we don't have Jesus, we are prone to failure; we are destroyed by circumstances and events because we have no defense against them.  God is our defense, our strongtower.  Only in Him can we find security.  When God is our wealth, our strength, when we put our trust in Him alone we can be certain of victory for it has already been given to us; we just have to claim it!

Oh, Father, help me to keep my focus on You and my trust in You alone!  Help me to always be aware of my own human depravity so that I can claim the reward I have from You, for You offer me more than I can imagine!  Thank You for loving me so deeply and for protecting me from life's scrapes.  Though I may be buffeted and tossed around, You are tethered to me and keeping me from drifting away.  Help me always to see that without You, Jesus, I am nothing!  I have nothing!  Praise You for You are strong and mighty!  I praise You for You have overcome the world--I have nothing to fear!  I have You, Jesus, and I need nothing more.  Thank You for loving me!  In Your name, Amen!